Saturday, September 3, 2011

Ten on Tuesday #13

I fell really far behind in my bloggin'... so back on track and catching up!

1. What do you do for a living?
I work in Human Resources (HR) consulting.  I just started in HR a little over a year ago and really like it so far!

2. What’s your favorite thing about your job?
The people I work with :)
Some of my co-workers
3. What’s your least favorite thing about your job?
Getting up early!  Blech.

4. If you weren’t a ________, what would you be?
My dream job is to be an event planner... more specifically a wedding planner.  Yes, I want to be J. Lo.

5. What is something that you would love to get paid for that you think no one would ever pay you for?
Umm... fun stuff... watch movies, go out to dinner with friends, eat ice cream, drink wine :)

6. If you could have any job for exactly one day, what would it be?
I think it'd be fun to have Ellen DeGegeneres' job for a day... lots of fun, meet famous people & give some cool stuff away :)

7. If you had to do manual labor, what would you do?
Something that would give me a little exercise & maybe a tan... but nothing where I would get too dirty. LOL

8. What is something you were forced to learn in high school that was supposed to be super important, but you never actually use?
Probably science stuff... 

9. Who was your favorite boss? Why?
I was lucky enough to have many awesome bosses... Ted @ Bob's Pizza back in my college days, Erika @ Grandma's House for Pets back in my summer college days, and Lesli @ WorkforceTactix now :)

10. Where would you rather work: Dunder Mifflin Paper Company (The Office) or Initech (Office Space)?
Definitely the office... looks like a lot more fun!!

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